Folks, as proud as we are of our own writing team here at Theater of Death, we are going to provide an opportunity to see a play YOU have written produced by our theater company!
We are looking for plays and playwrights. This year's theme: Chupacabra!
We prefer LOCAL submissions (this is not mandatory but the closer to Santa Fe/Madrid area the better). Plays that gets chosen will win $500 and be performed at the next fall Theater of Death production.
Here are some submission guidelines
1. There is no submission fee.
2. We begin accepting submissions April 15th and stop accepting submissions on June 15th. Winners will be notified by July 1st, 2024
3. Please send your play submission in digital format (Word, PDF) to info@theaterofdeath.org
5. Your play must fit the theme – Chupacabra! It does not have to have a Chupacabra in it, but the legendary beast must at least be referenced.
6. Most of our plays in the past have someone who DIES. This too, is not mandatory but it is the general theme of the evening.
7. Your play must fit our theater and its performance space. Think a small proscenium, 100 seat theater.
8. We are looking for NEW plays. Please do not send us anything that has previously been produced.
9. Your play must contain at least one (1) character, but no more than eight (8).
10. Those plays that win and are staged will be videotaped for archival purposes and may be printed later in the next Theater of Death collection.
11. Plays submitted should be at least 1 (one) minute in length but under 30 minutes.
12.Remember, this is not a movie, it is a stage play. Multiple, rapid scene changes should be minimized. Also, any scenic elements must be simple enough to build on a small budget.
Judging Criteria
If you are familiar with past Theater of Death productions, you would have the idea; Slick production is not necessarily what we are looking for. We like plays that contain a little comedy, a little B Horror, a little Sci-Fi and even a little "tastelessness". Creative fun is a big plus.